agressive music ripping crew
artist : symphony x
album : twilight in olympus
company : bmi
year : 1998
style : metal
grabber : audiograbber 1.60
encoder : fhg radium codec v1.263 at 192 kbps (hq, stereo)
quality : 192 kbps, hq, 44,1 khz
mode : full-stereo
releaser : glogg
date : dec-26-1999
o info o.
01. symphony x-smoke and mirrors [06:07]
02. symphony x-church of the machine [08:57]
03. symphony x-sonata [01:25]
04. symphony x-in the dragons den [03:58]
05. symphony x-through the looking glass [13:04]
06. symphony x-the relic [05:03]
07. symphony x-orion-the hunter [06:54]
08. symphony x-lady of the snow [07:07]
total time : [52:35 min]
.o release notes o.
I; this is the latest symphony x album so far,
I; recorded in the early 1998.
?L if you liked this rip, buy the album...
;? .o amrc members o.
I agressor - badvoc - bagmetal - dark - dioxin - emper0r - glogg
;; ihsahn666 - [orange] - [hell] - jrom - [rascal] - samael
I [slayer] - yenifer
I .o ftp sites o.
I a....... (acz) xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx hq *down*
I b...... w..... (bw) xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx shq
I d... s..... (ds) xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx rhq
I e..... (emp3) xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx whq
I f......... (fl) xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ghq *down*
I v....... (vmp3) xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ehq *down*
I where is your ftp?!
I p.......... (pdm) xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx mhq
t.. g........ (tgv) xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx mhq
;; .o contact o.
I irc: #amrc on efnet, www email coming soon...
;L if you can offer something, dont hesitate to contact us!
j .o amrc greetings o.
I; amok - apc - cmg - cnmc - rot - rev - tfa - ube - wax
;I big hurray for morgoth for releasing mp3 releaser!
?L and ofcoz everyone in #metalmp3 on ircnet...
J .o amrc news o.
I as you all probable can see, we are badly in need of some hqs!!!
I if you run a decent site and want to get all our stuff then drop
I by in our channel and speak to one of the members...
I good encoders are always welcome! metal into the next millenium!
I design layout: iron_lung.
I last update: dec-15-1999 by jrom.